Management for Professionals - Strategic Management Accounting in a Network Economy Ebook Info-bulle

  • en
  • livre numérique
  • 9789819952533
  • 26 août 2023
  • Adobe ePub
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This book continues from author’s first SMA publication in 2018 (also by Springer) and discusses the new roles of SMA in the new network economy. Emerging digital technologies have revolutionized the business world with groundbreaking rules and innovative business models. New knowledge and information technologies have inspired new business ideas and created more information platforms at a lower cost, yet highly efficient in the market. The new business transformation also encourages more inter-organizational cooperation to cope with rapid changes. All these novelties add challenges to corporate individuals in managing businesses beyond their organizations, in particular financial professionals (e.g., CFO) who are experts in the team. Therefore, SMA is assigned a new role in the new network economy. Similarly, SMA calls for major updates and revisions. This urges author to write this book to meet the new demand. The author has selected important topics that are particularly pertinent to the new Internet economy. These topics include how to make decisions under business uncertainty, how to value businesses in general, Internet stocks and intangible assets in particular. Business collaboration and integration are usual means to acquire synergy value. How does SMA help deliver the best results? How are business models and information platforms built as sense-making revenue models, even though these platforms never charge for services? How is market power and brand value measured? How does trust supplement control in new network organizations? Finally, how is value created, captured, and allocated in a fair manner? The book goes through detailed examinations of each topic with cases, examples, and illustrations as required.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
26 août 2023
Format ebook
Adobe ePub

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Wingsun Li
Editeur principal

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