The Gerson Therapy -- Revised And Updated Ebook Info-bulle Le programme nutritionnel éprouvé pour lutter contre le cancer et d'autres maladies


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  • livre numérique
  • 9780758267313
  • 19 août 2010
  • Adobe ePub
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Fed Up With Illness? Now You Can Overcome It With This Lifesaving Nutritional Program!

Cancer. Hepatitis. Migraines. Arthritis. Heart Disease. Emphysema. For years, the medical establishment has called these chronic or life-threatening diseases ''incurable.'' But now, The Gerson Therapy® offers hope for those seeking relief from hundreds of different diseases.

Juice Your Way To Wellness

One of the first alternative cancer therapies, The Gerson Therapy® has successfully treated thousands of patients for over 60 years. Now, in this authoritative new book, alternative medicine therapist Charlotte Gerson and medical journalist Morton Walker reveal the powerful healing effects of organic fruits and vegetables. Not only can juicing reverse the effects of many degenerative illnesses--it can save lives. The Gerson Therapy® shows you:

• How to beat cancer by changing your body chemistry

• Special juicing techniques for maximum healing power

• How to conquer allergies, obesity, high blood pressure, AIDS, lupus, and other diseases

• Which supplements will strengthen your immune system

• How to prepare delicious, super-healthy foods using Gerson-approved recipes

• And much more!

This unique resource will help and inspire everyone who has ever said, ''I want to get well. Just show me how.'' The Gerson Therapy® offers a powerful, time-tested healing option that has worked for others--and can work for you.

Charlotte Gerson, founder of the Gerson Institute, is the daughter of Max Gerson. Under her father's tutelage, Charlotte learned about the remarkable nutritional therapy that has saved the health of thousands, including Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Albert Schweitzer, a life-long advocate of the Gerson Therapy. Charlotte has supervised the training of medical staff at The Gerson Institute and at hospitals licensed to teach the Gerson Institute method. She has lectured on the benefits of nutritional therapy at several hundred health organizations worldwide, including The Cancer Control Society, The National Health Federation, and the International Association of Cancer Victors and Friends. A staunch practitioner of holistic medicine, Charlotte Gerson is a living testament to The Gerson Therapy's message: now in her 70s, she shows no typical signs of aging--no osteoporosis, no corrective lenses, no liver spots or wrinkles, and has more energy than women half her age!

Morton Walker, D.P.M., is a respected medical journalist with seventy-four bestselling health books to his credit, and twenty-three journalism awards for his work.

He is published in 32 countries, and fourteen of his titles have sold over 150,000 copies. In 1992, he received the Humanitarian Award from the American Cancer Control Society, which named him ''The world's leading medical journalist specializing in holistic medicine.'' Dr. Walker has appeared on over 2,000 press interviews, radio programs, and television shows, including Oprah! and Live with Regis & Kathie Lee.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
19 août 2010
Format ebook
Adobe ePub

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Charlotte Gerson
Deuxième auteur
Editeur principal
Kensington Books

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