Breaking Up With Sugar Ebook Info-bulle Divorcez les régimes, laissez tomber les kilos et vivez votre Best Life

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  • livre numérique
  • 9780593086179
  • 31 décembre 2019
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A proven plan to break free from your unhealthy relationship with Sugar - and reclaim your health and your life for good.

The solution to your food and weight problems isn't willpower or the next fad diet - it's breaking up with Sugar. Molly Carmel, an eating disorder therapist with a thriving clinic in New York City, discovered the devastating role Sugar played in her own 20-year struggle with disordered eating. After reaching a peak weight of 325 pounds and trying every diet imaginable, Molly was finally able to dramatically transform her life--and find her happy weight-by breaking up with Sugar. Molly has since helped thousands of people overcome compulsive overeating, repetitive dieting, and Sugar addiction to reinvent their lives. Here, she shares her empowering 66-day blueprint for kicking Sugar to the curb - once and for all.

Molly explains how Sugar is not only bad for your health, it's also a substance with highly addictive potential - one that creates physical, neurological, and hormonal changes that often make moderation impossible. This is the first book to address the emotional, spiritual, chemical, and physical components of this toxic relationship and help guide you through the steps to create a new and lasting relationship with food...and with yourself.

Breaking Up with Sugar includes step-by-step meal plans to take the guesswork out of going Sugar-free, as well as seven key self-affirming vows you can rely on to help end the overeating and dieting cycle and release unhealthy weight. With empathy, honesty, and humor as your trusted coach and friend, Molly gives you essential tools to navigate this new way of eating when life gets ''life-y'' or times get tough. Her sustainable roadmap will put you on the path to true freedom.

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livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
31 décembre 2019

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Molly Carmel

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