How to Reform Capitalism Ebook Info-bulle

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  • livre numérique
  • 9781999747169
  • 30 juillet 2020
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It is quite normal to feel frustrated and sorrowful about aspects of modern capitalism, but realistic hope of change can seem either utopian or demented. In fact, the way that capitalism works is inherently open to alteration and improvement. This is because the problems of capitalism are, in their essence, not about money, law or politics, but about human psychology – the field of expertise of The School of Life. As this hugely original essay argues, the path to a better sort of capitalism starts with a clear-eyed understanding of our emotional functioning and the workings of our psyches. What follows is nothing less than a blueprint, revolutionary yet utterly practical, for a wiser and better kind of capitalism.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
30 juillet 2020
Avec illustrations

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
The School of Life
Deuxième auteur
Alain de Botton
Editeur principal
The School Of Life

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