SELF-Parenting Ebook Info-bulle Le Guide complet de vos conversations intérieures


  • en
  • livre numérique
  • 9780942055016
  • 10 août 2020
  • Adobe ePub
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SELF-Parenting is the BEST, FASTEST, and MOST EFFECTIVE program to love, support and nurture your Inner Child. WHY? Because it's provides a SIMPLE, CLEAR, and PROVEN path to developing the WISEST skill set for your Inner Parent to begin communicating directly with your Inner Child. It also has the additional benefits of being the QUICKEST and LEAST EXPENSIVE way to build intimacy and trust with your Inner Child. This is the book that introduced the term "inner child" to the psychology profession.

  1. Would you like to "Become Your Own Loving Parent?" (The Solution: Adult Children of Alcoholics)
  2. If you are a member of the ACoA 12-Step Program, you can now seriously begin to work on your own recovery. SELF-Parenting: The Complete Guide to Your Inner Conversations provides a direct method to achieve this inner work.
  3. If your Outer Parenting was harsh or abusive, it's now known in modern psychology that this creates a state of harsh and abusive "Self-Parenting" within your Inner Conversations.
  4. SELF-Parenting is the original book that created and launched the "inner child" movement among the addiction recovery therapists in California and around the world in the late 80's.
  5. Since this time thousands of readers have learned the true traits of the Inner Parent and Inner Child voices within every person.
  6. If you are truly ready to become a loving Inner Parent to your Inner Child, NOW is the best time to start.
  7. Through a daily practice of just 30 minutes a day, structured correctly, you can undo years of self-doubt, self-abuse, and destructive thought patterns.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
10 août 2020
Format ebook
Adobe ePub
Avec illustrations

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
John K Pollard
Illustrateur en chef
Linda Nusbaum
Deuxième illustrateur
Linda Nusbaum
Editeur principal

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