The Empty Tomb Ebook Info-bulle Être des pensées sur la résurrection de notre Seigneur


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  • 1230001952209
  • 04 octobre 2017
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At the present moment it is the fashion to attempt to drive a wedge between the teaching of St. Paul on the subject of our Lord’s Resurrection and that of the Evangelists. It is to this attempt that attention is largely directed in the paper which follows. It is historically certain that the Christian Church sprang from and was founded on a belief in the literal Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. This belief was not a gradual growth in any sense. It dates from the very morrow of the alleged occurrence. It “sprang suddenly into existence, and it swept irresistibly over the whole body of disciples. Of the force and universality of the belief there can be no doubt.”It was the necessary qualification for an Apostle that he should be a “witness of the Resurrection;” every sermon or address of St. Peter and St. Paul culminates in the doctrine of the Resurrection. It is altogether impossible to imagine that the Christian Church could have risen into being and could have spread throughout the world if the Faith in the Resurrection of our Lord had been eliminated.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
04 octobre 2017

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Auteur principal
B. W. Randolph
Editeur principal
Crossreach Publications

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