The Mad Monk Of Gidleigh (Knights Templar Mysteries 14) Ebook Info-bulle Un mystère médiéval passionnant se déroulant dans le West Country


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  • livre numérique
  • 9781472219756
  • 27 février 2013
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After a young woman tragically dies, it is up to Sir Baldwin and Simon Puttock to unravel the mystery surrounding her suspicious death...

Michael Jecks brings medieval England to life in the fourteenth mystery of his Knights Templar series, featuring the ever-popular Sir Baldwin de Furnshill and Bailiff Simon Puttock. Perfect for fans of Bernard Cornwell and Susanna Gregory.

'The most wickedly plotted medieval mystery novels' - The Times

As the winter of 1323 descends upon a windswept chapel on the edge of Dartmoor, who could blame the young priest, Father Mark, for seeking affection from Mary, the miller's daughter? But when Mary, and her unborn child, are found dead, Mark is the obvious suspect.

Called to investigate, Sir Baldwin de Furnshill and his friend Bailiff Simon Puttock soon begin to have their doubts. Could one of Mary's many admirers have murdered her in a fit of jealousy? Or might it be someone even closer to home? By the time their search is over, life for Baldwin and Simon, and their families, will never be quite the same again.

What readers are saying about The Mad Monk of Gidleigh:

'There is excellent attention to period detail and a very strong sense of time and place. All the characters are fully dimensional and well-drawn'

'The story is very well plotted. Just when I thought I knew where it was going, it turned'

'Yet another fantastic book from Michael Jecks. The stories are really well crafted'

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
27 février 2013

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Michael Jecks
Editeur principal

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