The Emily Giffin Collection: Volume 2 Ebook Info-bulle Preuve de Bébé , là où nous appartenons, cœur de la matière

  • en
  • livre numérique
  • 9781466882997
  • 25 novembre 2014
  • 1120 pages
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Available for the first time in this stunning electronic edition, THE EMILY GIFFIN COLLECTION: VOLUME 2 is sure to delight the blockbuster bestselling author's millions of fans. Includes:


Claudia Parr has everything going for her. A successful editor at a publishing house in Manhattan, she's also a devoted sister, aunt, and friend. Yet she's never wanted to become a mother—which she discovers is a major hurdle to marriage, something she desperately wants. Then she meets her soul mate Ben who, miraculously, feels the same way about parenthood. The two fall in love and marry, committed to one another and their life of adventure and discovery. All's well until one of them has a change of heart. Someone wants a baby after all.


Marian Caldwell is a thirty-six-year-old television producer living her dream in New York City. With a fulfilling career and picture-perfect relationship, she has convinced everyone, including herself, that her life is just as she wants it to be. But one night, Marian answers a knock on the door . . . only to find Kirby Rose, an eighteen-year-old girl with a key to a past that Marian thought she had locked away forever. As Marian and Kirby embark on a quest to find the one thing missing in their lives, each will come to recognize that where we belong is often where we least expect to find ourselves. A place that we may have willed ourselves to forget, but that the heart remembers forever.


Tessa Russo is a stay-at-home mother of two young children and the wife of a renowned pediatric surgeon. Valerie Anderson is an attorney and single mother to six-year-old Charlie—a boy who has never known his father. Although both women live in the same Boston suburb, they are strangers to one another and have little in common, aside from a fierce love for their children. But one night, a tragic accident causes their lives to converge in ways no one could have imagined. This is the moving, luminous story of good people caught in untenable circumstances. Each being tested in ways they never thought possible. Each questioning everything they once believed. And each ultimately discovering what truly matters most.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
25 novembre 2014
Nombre de pages

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Emily Giffin
Editeur principal
St. Martin's Press

Options de lecture

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Ordinateur de bureau (Mac et Windows) | Lecteur électronique Kobo | Android (smartphone et tablette) | iOS (smartphone et tablette) | Windows (smartphone et tablette)

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