Zia Allaway

<p>Author, book editor, and journalist, Zia Allaway is a qualified horticulturist and has written a range of gardening books for the RHS and DK, including <i>The Complete Gardener's Manual</i>, <i>The Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers</i>, <i>How to Grow Practically Everything</i>, and <i>Growing Vegetables: 101 Essential Tips</i>. She has also edited <i>The Encyclopedia of Garden Design</i> and the <i>RHS Simple Steps</i> series. Zia writes a monthly column on garden design for <i>Homes &amp; Gardens Magazine</i>, and is a contributor to the <i>Garden Design Journal</i>. She runs a consultancy service from her home in Hertfordshire and offers practical workshops for beginners. She has a small wildlife garden which she opens to the public through the UK charity, The National Gardens Scheme.</p>

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