Statement In Respect To The United States Naval Observatory

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  • Engels
  • Paperback
  • 9781409709237
  • 19 mei 2008
  • 72 pagina's
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This Statement in rcfcrence to the Naval Observatory was prepared some months ago, substantialIy in its present form. Its length seemed to ender publication inadvisabIe and it was not originally intended for that purpose. The illegibility of the manuscript copies, together t c h pre ssions o f opinion from Mends that a sotne a d t e tailed statement of the principles and evidence upon which astronomers base, their views in regard to this question might find some readers who would deem it more satishctor th an a mere do, patic summary, has led the author to suhrrlit this document for pubIication. This he has keen able to do through the voluntary contributions of American astponon e sto, whom his acknowledgments are due. At the same time-and whilo the author is indebted to astronomers for many aluables uggestions-he, alone, is responsible for any errors of lact or opinion vhich this Statement may contain. Albany, N. Y., December, 1891. TABLE OF CONTENTS . PACE . INTRODUCTIONS Cost of the new Naval Observatory . 3 The Function of a Sationxl Observutory . 5 SECTIOX I . Opiilions of Public Men in Rcfcrcncc to a Governmelit Observatory tory . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . SECTIOH . Origin of the Naval Observatory . 10 Appointment of thbfirst Supcrintcndcnt . . . 13-SECTIO 1 N 11 . xaval and hlaritle Observatories in other Countries . . 15 Distinction bctwccn hiarinc and Astronornical Observatories . . . 16 SEOTIOH I T . Natio lalA stronomical Obsorvatorics in other Countries . . 17 The Impcrial Obscrvatory of Russia, at Pnlkowa . . 18 The Royal Observatory at . Greenwich . 20 Ovservatory at the Cape of Good Hope . . . 22 The National Observatory, at Paris . . . . 23 Observatories Supported bythe Geman Government . . . 24 The Argentine Krtionat Observatory, at Cortloba . . . 26 Ssc ros V . The Scientific Record of thc United States Naval Observatory . 27 Opinions on thc Zone Work . . . 29 The Saval Obsewrtory in 1861 . and Later . . 30 Work with the Great Tclcscope . 32 Astronomical Researches by the Professors . . . 33 Respects in which thc Observatory has Failed 3 5 Opinion of the Superintendent of the Xaval Observatory upon its Recent Scientific Record . . . . . . . . . 37 SECTIO T X I . Naval Oficers as Astronomers . . 38 SECTIOX V 11 . Reasons why nn Astronomer should Direct Astronomical MTork, . ar d w hy Others must Fail . . . . . . . . . 43 Thc Superintendent must Choose the Ficld of 1irork . . . 43 lyre nirect Supervision of IVork . . . . . . . 45 The Kesponsibility of Irovidirrg Instrumental Equipment . 4 6. Editorial Duties of the Superintendent . . . 49 Adv ntugeso f a Long Term of Scrvicc in thc Supcrintendcncy . . 50 Objections to Skilled Superintendence Considered . . . 51 The Question of Comparative Expenditure . . . 54 SECTIOYNII I . Reform needed in the System of Employment at the Obserya tory . . . . . . . . 56 Cosc osrox . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5S Division of Civil and Military fluties . . . . . . . 59 The efforts of Istronomcrs to secure Refolm in the Method of Superin-tendenceattheXTavalObservatory . . . . . . . 59 SOTE . Report of the Coinmittcc on XavaI Mairs. in 1849 . . . . M NOTE B . Resources of the Naval Observatory sincc duIy 1. 1867 . . Within the past decade the overnmeut of. thited. fat iius beer1 making rovisios fo l r an astro I ionlicalo bservatory, which in cost is scarcely to be surpassed anywhere in the world. Xot including somerriirlor items, the appropriatiorls for this puppose thus far made are For purchase of site.. ...................... .. .......... 875, OOC 00 For construct ioq of prir eipal buildirlgs ............... 400,000 00 For other constrnctions, alteratiorl, repair and rerriounting of iastr imentar, errloval, etc. .........



Oorspronkelijke releasedatum
19 mei 2008
Aantal pagina's
Met illustraties


Lewis Boss
Read Books

Overige kenmerken

Extra groot lettertype
Verpakking breedte
140 mm
Verpakking hoogte
216 mm
Verpakking lengte
216 mm
103 g




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