The Gaia Project Les grands changements de la Terre à venir
Hwee-Yong Jwang
- en
- Broché
- 9780738710426
- 07 février 2007
- 288 pages
According to Hwee-Yong Jang, the world as we know it will undergo a profound transformation. Are you ready? As part of a grand cosmic plan called the Gaia Project, the earth is already undergoing a purification process--marked by natural disasters, disease, war, and social chaos--that will ultimately end in our planet's ascension to a new dimension. Jang's prophetic proclamation--communicated to him through channeling, dreams, and energy reading--explains countless mysteries about the world, including: The origins of the world and humankind The collapse of Lemuria and Atlantis Reincarnation and past-life memories The purpose of life and the meaning of existence The nature of consciousness New revelations regarding alien life This visionary text reveals how each of us can prepare for the coming Great Change and take part in the universal expansion of consciousness. Along with a thorough description of the purpose of the Gaia Project, this field guide to the future includes a question and answer section, recommended reading list, and glossary to provide additional insight into the unprecedented challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
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- Langue
- en
- Binding
- Broché
- Date de sortie initiale
- 07 février 2007
- Nombre de pages
- 288
- Illustrations
- Non
Personnes impliquées
- Auteur principal
- Hwee-Yong Jwang
- Editeur principal
- Llewellyn Publications,U.S.
- Titre original
- The Gaia Project
Autres spécifications
- Hauteur de l'emballage
- 204 mm
- Largeur d'emballage
- 131 mm
- Longueur d'emballage
- 204 mm
- Poids de l'emballage
- 272 g
- Police de caractères extra large
- Non
- Édition
- New titre
- 9780738710426
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