Life Cycles Un London Bike Courier a décidé de faire le Around du monde à vélo. 169 Days tard, il est revenu avec un record du monde.

  • en
  • Broché
  • 9781782199038
  • 05 juin 2014
  • 288 pages
Toutes les spécifications de l'article


Julian Sayarer grew up riding a bicycle. Working as a bike courier in London, he learned the world record for a circumnavigation by bike had been broken, and that cycling into the sunset had been bought by banks and big business. Determined to do things differently, Julian set out to take back the record for the people. Life Cycles is his story of that record, riding 110 miles every 24 hours for 6 months on only GBP8.84 a day - a route through jungles, snow and 20 different countries. He found himself stranded without money in the deserts of Kazakhstan, held up by insurrections in northwest China, and sleeping under motorway bridges in America's Deep South. Taken by life on the road and a spirit of adventure, he loved every minute of it. A tale of excitement and world politics by bicycle, travelling at 12mph, Julian found that the Tartars of Central Asia aren't so different to the trailer families of Louisiana. This book is a reminder that the world is out there - and it's waiting for us.

Spécifications produit


Date de sortie initiale
05 juin 2014
Nombre de pages

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Julian Sayarer
Editeur principal
John Blake Publishing Ltd

Autres spécifications

Hauteur de l'emballage
30 mm
Hauteur du produit
22 mm
Largeur d'emballage
130 mm
Largeur du produit
150 mm
Livre d‘étude
Longueur d'emballage
198 mm
Longueur du produit
210 mm
Poids de l'emballage
279 g
Police de caractères extra large


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