The Germans and Europe Une histoire personnelle de Frontline

  • en
  • Couverture rigide
  • 9781910050897
  • 17 août 2017
  • 350 pages
Toutes les spécifications de l'article


Based on a lifetime living in and reporting on Germany and Central Europe, award-winning journalist and author Peter Millar tackles the fascinating and complex story of the people at the heart of our continent. Focussing on nine cities (only six of which are in the Germany of today) he takes us on a zigzag ride back through time via the fall of the Berlin Wall through the horrors of two world wars, the patchwork states of the Middle Ages, to the splendour of Charlemagne and the fall of Rome, with side swipes at everything on the way, from Henry VIII to the Spanish Empire. Included are mini portraits of aspects of German culture from sex and money to food and drink. Not just a book about Germany but about Europe as a whole and how we got where we are today, and where we might be tomorrow.

Spécifications produit


Couverture rigide
Date de sortie initiale
17 août 2017
Nombre de pages

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Peter Millar
Editeur principal
Quercus Publishing

Autres spécifications

Hauteur de l'emballage
225 mm
Hauteur du produit
22 mm
Largeur d'emballage
145 mm
Largeur du produit
150 mm
Livre d‘étude
Longueur d'emballage
225 mm
Longueur du produit
210 mm
Poids de l'emballage
419 g
Police de caractères extra large


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