From Clutter to Clarity Livre audio Info-bulle Clean votre état d'esprit pour effacer votre désordre

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  • Livre audio numérique
  • 9781401960643
  • 29 décembre 2020
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When you look at the clutter in your home, does it feel like you need an excavator to find the calm beneath the chaos? Do you try again and again to implement sustainable organizational systems without any success? Does the reason for your clutter always seem to come down to too little time or not enough space? If so, the time has come to look at the clutter beneath the clutter--the fears, doubts, and energy drains that are the true culprits of the muck. In the follow-up to her Wall Street Journal best-selling book What Your Clutter Is Trying to Tell You , decluttering expert, lifestyle designer, and coach Kerri Richardson helps you to: --Understand the three core causes of clutter and how they directly manifest in specific rooms and forms of clutter --Use practical and actionable exercises to clear out your clutter hot spots --Reclaim your personal space for the thoughts, things, and people in your life that are important to you Whether you are tackling perfectionism, procrastination, or toxic relationships, Richardson's straightforward advice will help you to finally clear those stubborn stacks, piles, and boxes for a clean start, with a wealth of space for your freedom and happiness to grow. This audio product contains a PDF with supporting material, and the PDF is available to download

Spécifications produit


Livre audio numérique
Date de sortie initiale
29 décembre 2020

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Kerri Richardson
Editeur principal
Hay House

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Livre d‘étude


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