Minimalism Livre audio Info-bulle Le Style de vie confortable, hygiénique et minimaliste expliqué

  • en
  • Livre audio numérique
  • 9781664947122
  • 16 décembre 2020
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These 3 subjects are included in this 9-book bundle:

Subject 1: What is Hygge? And how do you use it?

The answers to these questions are fairly simple, but they are complicated enough to write a short about it. That’s why this book will give you some answers as to making your home a cozier play, the Danish way, even if, or perhaps especially when the weather is cold and dark. In the last two chapters, we will briefly touch on what the Danish allow their kids to do when they have “free play” time, and how to create bath bombs yourself to have a comfortable hygge bath.

Subject 2: This book covers a variety of topics, all interrelated and all somehow connected to our ability to concentrate on the most important tasks we have. Many people suffer from being distracted, from going from one thing to another, and never getting much done. Today, we tackle those problems with some inspiring insights.

First, we’ll talk about how to improve your concentration skills and memory. This lies at the heart of the book.

Next, we will go over the significant challenges that many people face when they are working from home. This has become more common these days, and therefore, it seemed like a crucial topic to include in this book.

Subject 3: Minimalism has become a popular topic, and not for nothing! Minimalism lies at the core of a life filled with more contentment and inner peace. Many people have attested to this fact, and it is for that reason why this guide has been put together to enlighten you about the many advantages that minimalism has.

Spécifications produit


Livre audio numérique
Date de sortie initiale
16 décembre 2020

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Hillary Janssen
Deuxième auteur
Rebecca Morres
Editeur principal
Efalon Acies

Autres spécifications

Livre d‘étude


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