Batched & Bottled Ebook Info-bulle Cocktails à préparer à l'avance

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  • livre numérique
  • 9781787132863
  • 03 mai 2018
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Sick of standing in the corner making cocktails while everyone else is having fun? Fed up of having to buy loads of expensive spirits and bitters? Just want to pour a delicious cocktail any time, any place?Batched & Bottled features 50 of the best recipes for batched and bottled cocktails cocktails you can pre-make and bottle, and either pour straight over ice or leave to mature for an hour, a month or even a year. You'll have cocktails you can drink when you get in from work, or bottles you can crack open come Christmas/summer/birthday/Friday. From negronis and manhattans to more complex concoctions you can infuse with botanicals or fermented ingredients, the recipes follow the seasons and range from simple, stir-through mixes, to more elaborate drinks that require kitchen prep.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
03 mai 2018
Avec illustrations

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Max Venning
Deuxième auteur
Noel Venning
Editeur principal

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