Big Sky, Big Parks Ebook Info-bulle Une exploration des parcs nationaux de Yellowstone et des Glaciers, et de tout ce que le Montana entre les deux


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  • livre numérique
  • 9781493064762
  • 01 juillet 2023
  • Adobe ePub
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Montana is home to two of America’s most popular national parks, and many of the twelve million visitors who travel to Big Sky Country each year include both Glacier and Yellowstone in their plans. It’s a full day’s drive between these two western jewels, and there are dozens of routes road trippers can select to build their journey. There are also thousands of travel guides on the shelf that provide information about the region, but Big Sky, Big Parks is unique among them, a blend of history, culture, and local flavor that’s more of an entertaining travel companion and a useful resource for those visiting the two national parks and the vast chunk of Montana that connects them. Author Ednor Therriault shares his experiences on the road and in the parks with humor and insight in thirty stories that chronicle the triumphs and tragedies that make traveling between Glacier and Yellowstone such a rewarding endeavor. Discover the reasons behind Yellowstone’s devilish place names and read about Butte’s version of Disneyland in this road trip handbook/travelogue that features insider tips on regional delicacies, interesting places to lay your head, local trivia, and even road trip playlists to provide a soundtrack to your Montana adventure.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
01 juillet 2023
Format ebook
Adobe ePub

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Auteur principal
Ednor Therriault
Editeur principal

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