Breaking Generational Corses Chemin vers la liberté totale

  • en
  • Broché
  • 9781546462507
  • 05 mai 2017
  • 72 pages
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Do you need twenty one days fasting and prayers, in order to break curses in your life? Do you need to go to the mountain, camps to pray in order to break curses in your life? Do you need to pay money to a prophet/prophetess in order to break curses in your life? The answer to these questions is what this book is all about. Your freedom has been paid for but ignorance kept many where they are, but the right knowledge has come. Now!Curses are terrible. I wal1owed in it, so I knew what it meant for someone to wallow under a curse. I am not writing out of a Theological knowledge, but from a prophetic revelation coupled with my experience of wallowing under a curse, and how I got my freedom. “Near success syndrom”, that was my case then. It is said, “Nearly cannot kill a bird”, and infact that was exactly my story then. Always getting to the edge of breakthroughs but never having them. Something must always go wrong at the edge of every breakthrough. I dreamt, dreamt, but never saw my dreams come to manifestation. Curses, ah! They are terrible.There is a way out, and infact, the only true way out of all manners of curses, whether generational, parental or, self imposed curses, there is a permanent way out.You may have been doing the trial and error thing, just as I did in the past. I even consulted a witch doctor (Babalawo) to assist me in breaking the curse operating in my life then. He asked me to bring money to get the materials he will use for my freedom, and I gave him, still to no avail. I even encountered fake pastors who used me to learn Taekwondo, Karat, Judo in the name of deliverance. Imagine, they will twist your neck, turn you round and round until you will fall down out of dizziness, and they will say that you have fallen under the anointing. Which anointing? Mechanical anointing. The Native Doctor and the neck twisting of the pastors could not help me, until I discovered THEWAY, the authentic way out of all manners of curses and that is what I am sharing in this book.Do you want to be free permanently? Then come with me and see the way. Let’s go.This book Breaking Generational Curses makes no pretense about preaching the gospel of Christ. It showed no shame. It is an unabashed demonstration of the power of the finished work at Calvary. Curses can be ugly. They can be far-reaching and limiting. But an uglier experience of hanging the Son of God on the rugged and dirty tree at Golgotha has reduced curses to a treated issue. It is a done deal with Christ. What Christ said has finished is finished. This book has further advertised the futility of running helter-skelter. Own it, read it, and practice the tenets.CP Emmanuel Ojukwu (Rev)Eastern Ports Police CommandPort Harcourt NigeriaMarch 22, 2016

Spécifications produit


Date de sortie initiale
05 mai 2017
Nombre de pages

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Kenneth Kanu

Autres spécifications

Hauteur de l'emballage
4 mm
Hauteur du produit
4 mm
Largeur d'emballage
152 mm
Largeur du produit
152 mm
Longueur d'emballage
229 mm
Longueur du produit
229 mm
Poids de l'emballage
118 g
Police de caractères extra large



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