Building Your Custom Home For Dummies Livre audio Info-bulle 2e édition

  • en
  • Livre audio numérique
  • 9781666135985
  • 28 septembre 2021
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Build a place you'll love to come home to Why settle for a house that looks like every other one in the neighborhood? With Building Your Custom Home For Dummies, you can design and build the home of your dreams. From brainstorming must-have features to hanging a wreath on the front door, this book walks you through what you need to know from start to finish. Get savvy on purchasing property, securing financing, and raising the walls that will become the setting for life's next chapter. If you can imagine it, you can build it! In this book, you'll learn how to locate your ideal building site; hire an architecture and contracting team you can trust; finance smoothly and manage your construction budget; discover new green building techniques; oversee construction from A to Z; and furnish, landscape, and maintain your property.

Spécifications produit


Livre audio numérique
Date de sortie initiale
28 septembre 2021

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Kevin Daum
Deuxième auteur
Janice Brewster
Peter Economy
Mike Chamberlain
Editeur principal
Tantor Audio

Autres spécifications

Livre d‘étude



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