Excel 2022 for Beginners Ebook Info-bulle Le Guide complet étape par étape du débutant à avancé. Découvrez des Pointes , astuces et astuces Excel simples pour Master chaque fonction, formule, outil et raccourci essentiels pour devenir un Expert Excel


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  • livre numérique
  • 9791221320442
  • 11 avril 2022
  • Adobe ePub
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Do you want to perfect your Microsoft Excel abilities and become more efficient in your daily work life? Do you want to effectively manage your business or do you want to land your dream position in a job that requires a high level of Excel proficiency? If your answer is yes, then this is the right Microsoft Excel guide for you!

Microsoft Excel is a very powerful tool that is useful for any individual that works as an accountant, retail manager, data journalist, business analyst, project manager, financial analyst, cost estimator, administrative assistant, engineer, and more. It is an extremely useful tool that, if used correctly, can be cost effective and save plenty of time.

This detailed guide will help you become a treasured asset to employers, helping you build up relevant Excel skills that can greatly improve your chances of being promoted or getting hired, at the same time giving you substantial knowledge of the Microsoft Excel program.

In this guide, you will discover:

  • A clear-cut introduction into the MS Excel program
  • A guide to get started with the Excel software, such as how to open different programs or earlier version file formats, and viewing unsupported file formats on the Excel software.
  • The basics of the Excel interface, the start screen, the window environment, the ribbon tabs and commands, quick access toolbar, how to use the tell me box, worksheet view commands, and more.
  • An overview of the Excel layout, including cells, cell ranges, cell contents, columns, rows, and how to carry out key operations with these aspects of the Excel program.
  • An in depth guide to using the Microsoft Excel software, which includes how to take advantage of the ribbon tabs and its commands.
  • A detailed section focused on workbooks and worksheets, and how to effectively manage them, with a full list of different operations that can be carried out to make your Excel use more efficient.
  • An introduction to Excel Formulas and Functions; how to create Excel formulas, and all you need to know about Excel functions, their structure, naming convention, arguments, arguments tooltip, nesting Excel functions, and how functions can be used in the Excel program.
  • A dedicated section Microsoft Excel tricks and keyboard shortcuts.
  • How to use Excel to analyze data.
  • How to use tables in Excel, creating the different types of tables, with table tips, tricks and hacks.
  • The basics of Excel charts; area charts, surface charts, pie charts, bar charts, column charts, and line charts, and how to create, manage, and use chart tools to modify the design, layout and format your charts.
  • And so much more!

With the detailed instructions in this book, your Excel skill will be improved with just a few minutes of practice each day. Are you ready to boost your career prospects or employability?

Scroll up, click the “BUY NOW” button and get started!

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
11 avril 2022
Format ebook
Adobe ePub

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Clayton McKinney

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Lisez cet ebook sur
Android (smartphone et tablette) | Lecteur électronique Kobo | Ordinateur de bureau (Mac et Windows) | iOS (smartphone et tablette) | Windows (smartphone et tablette)

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