Greek Lessons Livre audio Info-bulle De l'auteur lauréat du prix International Booker de The Vegetarian

  • en
  • Livre audio numérique
  • 9780241997260
  • 27 avril 2023
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Brought to you by Penguin.

The unforgettable new novel from Booker International Prize winner Han Kang, author of The Vegetarian.

In this compelling and beautifully-patterned novel, Han Kang tells the interwoven stories of a Greek instructor who is losing his sight and a woman who refuses to speak. Uniquely involving, and thoughtful, it explores the depths and limits of human connection.

A remarkable and timeless writer, Han Kang's words and stories go to the heart of what it means to be human - to be a species capable of both utmost violence and utmost love. With enormous tact, clarity and tenderness she examines the lives of the overlooked and the little seen, affording them a grace and dignity which makes them unforgettable.

'Han Kang is what most writers spend their lives trying to be: a fearless, unsentimental teller of human truths' Lisa McInerney

'Han Kang's vivid and at times violent storytelling will wake up even the most jaded of literary palates' Independent

©2023 Han Kang (P)2023 Penguin Audio

Spécifications produit


Livre audio numérique
Date de sortie initiale
27 avril 2023

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Han Kang
Editeur principal


Premier traducteur
e. yaewon
Deuxième traducteur
Deborah Smith

Autres spécifications

Livre d‘étude



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