How to Build a Rehab Ebook Info-bulle Aperçu détaillé de la création de Shalom House


  • en
  • livre numérique
  • 9780645336740
  • 23 novembre 2021
  • Adobe ePub
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Peter's third book, How to Build a Rehab, offers a detailed insight into the steps he took to create a self-funded, holistic rehabilitation centre from the ground up. Utilizing 26-years of experience as a criminal, ward of the state and prisoner, Peter intimately explores the mechanics of rehabilitating a person that suffers from addiction and faces a community and institutions that rely on an earnest, but outdated approach to a problem that is only getting worse.

With his unapologetic approach, Peter deconstructs the decade long process through which he built the largest, self-funded rehab in the country. Free from the traditional mindset, the construction of the Shalom House method shows how valuable a new set of eyes can be on an old problem.

Along with anecdotes of Peter's life as a criminal, drug dealer and prisoner, How to Build a Rehab sheds light on the inner workings of Shalom House. Peter lays out a literal manual for building a successful, inclusive and self-funded rehabilitation centre that navigates issues of debt, family dysfunction and self-discipline in the life of a resident in a holistic way. As Peter can often be heard to say; methamphetamine is the evilest drug to ever hit the planet.

With the meth epidemic in Australia showing no signs of abating, Peter's insight into an alternative approach to rehabilitation is a 'must read' for anyone suffering from the impacts of addiction - and certainly an important book for anyone looking for positive change in the way things have always been done.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
23 novembre 2021
Format ebook
Adobe ePub

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Peter Lyndon-James
Editeur principal
Peter Lyndon-James

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