Italian Renaissance Utopias Ebook Info-bulle Doni, Patrizi et Zuccolo

  • en
  • livre numérique
  • 9783030036119
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This book provides the first English study (comprehensive of introductory essays, translations, and notes) of five prominent Italian Renaissance utopias: Doni's Wise and Crazy World, Patrizi's The Happy City, and Zuccolo's The Republic of Utopia, The Republic of Evandria, and The Happy City. The scholarship on Italian Renaissance utopias is still relatively underdeveloped; there is no English translation of these texts (apart from Campanella's City of Sun), and our understanding of the distinctive features of this utopian tradition is rather limited. This book therefore fills an important gap in the existing critical literature, providing easier access to these utopian texts, and showing how the study of the utopias of Doni, Patrizi, and Zuccolo can shed crucial light on the scholarly debate about the essential traits of Renaissance utopias.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Antonio Donato
Editeur principal
Palgrave Macmillan

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Binding : livre numérique

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