Learn Indic Languages - Mastering Sinhala Ebook Info-bulle Apprenez la langue et les cultures cinghalaises

  • en
  • livre numérique
  • 1230006654894
  • 20 juillet 2023
  • Adobe ePub
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Description du produit

"Mastering Sinhala: Learn Sinhala Language and Cultures" offers a comprehensive and immersive journey into the vibrant world of Sinhala language and cultures. Whether you are an absolute beginner or have some prior knowledge, this book is carefully crafted to provide a structured and engaging approach to learning Sinhala.

Language and Culture Unite:

Beyond mere linguistic lessons, this book celebrates the inseparable connection between language and culture. Abu Rayhan takes you on a fascinating exploration of the Sinhalese way of life, traditions, customs, arts, and history. By understanding the cultural context, you will gain insights that go beyond mere words, enabling you to embrace the language with a deeper appreciation.

A Multi-Faceted Learning Experience:

"Mastering Sinhala" is divided into five enriching parts, each dedicated to a specific aspect of learning:

  1. Sinhala Basics - Begin your journey with the fundamentals of Sinhala script, pronunciation, and basic grammar. Build a strong foundation to navigate through the language with ease.

  2. Vocabulary Enrichment - Expand your Sinhala vocabulary with an emphasis on everyday phrases, expressions, and essential communication skills. Enhance your ability to connect with native speakers effortlessly.

  3. Language Structure - Delve deeper into the intricacies of Sinhala grammar and sentence formation. Master verb conjugations, tenses, and sentence patterns to express yourself with accuracy.

  4. Cultural Immersion - Immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of Sri Lanka. Explore the historical significance, literature, music, and customs, gaining a holistic understanding of the Sinhalese culture.

  5. Advanced Proficiency - For those seeking to reach higher levels of fluency, this part offers advanced language resources, regional dialects, and cultural nuances, equipping you to communicate with fluency and cultural sensitivity.

A Dynamic Learning Experience:

Throughout the book, Abu Rayhan incorporates interactive exercises, practical examples, and engaging activities, providing an enriched and dynamic learning experience. These hands-on learning tools empower you to apply your knowledge and reinforce your language skills effectively.

Embark on a Journey:

"Mastering Sinhala: Learn Sinhala Language and Cultures" is not just a language guide; it's a captivating journey into the heart of Sri Lanka's vibrant culture and identity. Whether you aim to travel, connect with Sinhalese speakers, or simply deepen your appreciation for this rich language, this book is your ultimate companion.

With Abu Rayhan as your guide, take the first step towards mastering Sinhala, embracing its cultural richness, and unlocking the doors to an enriching language journey.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
20 juillet 2023
Format ebook
Adobe ePub

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Abu Rayhan

Options de lecture

Lisez cet ebook sur
Ordinateur de bureau (Mac et Windows) | Lecteur électronique Kobo | Android (smartphone et tablette) | iOS (smartphone et tablette) | Windows (smartphone et tablette)

Autres spécifications

Livre d‘étude



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