Lover's Leap: Eternity Springs Book 4 (A heartwarming, uplifting, feel-good romance series) Ebook Info-bulle Une série de romance réconfortante, édifiante et agréable


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  • livre numérique
  • 9781472201980
  • 11 avril 2013
  • 271 pages
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If you love Robyn Carr's Virgin River, don't miss Emily March's warm, uplifting Eternity Springs series!

Lover's Leap is t**he captivating fourth novel in** New York Times bestselling author Emily March's warm and uplifting romance series about a small town with a big heart. For fans of Debbie Macomber, Holly Martin and Sheryl Woods.

Twenty years ago the town bad boy, Cam Murphy, left Eternity Springs in handcuffs, riding in the back of a sheriff's van...and breaking young Sarah Reese's heart. The defiant teenager vowed never to return. In Australia, Cam makes a new beginning. He builds a successful business and suffers few regrets until Sarah - and their daughter - walk into his life, and then immediately run away. Realising it's time to right yesterday's wrongs, he follows Sarah home to Colorado - and turns her world upside down. Cam wants to know his daughter. He needs to prove to Sarah, the town, and himself that he's changed. Will the residents of Eternity Springs offer forgiveness - and will Sarah have the courage to trust this man who is asking for a second chance?

Escape to Eternity Springs, a little piece of heaven in the Colorado Rockies, with the other books in the series, Hummingbird Lake, Heartache Falls, Mistletoe Mine, Lover's Leap, Nightingale Way, Reflection Point, Miracle Road, Dreamweaver Trail, Teardrop Lane, Heartsong Cottage, Reunion Pass, Christmas In Eternity Springs.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
11 avril 2013
Nombre de pages

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Emily March
Editeur principal
Headline Eternal

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