mySAP ERP For Dummies Ebook Info-bulle


  • en
  • livre numérique
  • 9781118054819
  • 25 février 2011
  • 312 pages
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  • SAP is the world's leading provider of ERP software and services, with worldwide revenue in 2004 of $9.7 billion and a 57 percent market share among major business application providers; it is one of the world's largest software companies overall

  • ERP is a flexible, open technology platform that helps businesses run more efficiently (and profitably) by providing integrated management of key operations and supply chains

  • Written for IT professionals who find it hard to get through SAP's complex documentation, our book demonstrates how ERP can cut costs, provides a clear overview of how the ESA (enterprise service architecture) model affects ERP, and shows how to implement the new ERP in the real world

  • Topics covered include reducing the cost of an existing IT backbone, using the new ERP to address a company's ''pain points'' and challenges, and proving the value of ERP through ROI (return on investment) and TCO (total cost of ownership) studies

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