O, Louis Ebook Info-bulle À la recherche de Louis van Gaal


  • en
  • livre numérique
  • 9781473521421
  • 20 novembre 2014
  • 320 pages
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"Am I so smart or are you so stupid?' – Louis van Gaal

I started out wanting to write a book about Marco van Basten. I still do, but I dread the moment when I have to write something I know will make him unhappy. He's not a man you wage war on. With Louis van Gaal it's different: as a journalist he leaves you no choice. You're not worthy of the name if you aren't prepared to return fire when he starts yelling.

Hugo Borst is an award-winning writer, journalist and TV pundit. He is also a close friend of Louis van Gaal. Well, he used to be.

O, Louis is Hugo's attempt to get to grips with this larger-than-life character. Full of outrageous stories and unintentionally hilarious encounters, Borst details his quest to understand the man and the breakdown in their friendship. He interviews an array of experts who each interpret the great manager from the perspective of their own field – a cleric, a politician, a psychiatrist, an impersonator,

a theatre director, writers, poets and a trio of keen comic minds. Through these meetings as well as through his own encounters with Van Gaal, Borst is finally able to unlock the personality of this exceptional, talented, infuriating and even, occasionally, loveable man.

"This book will sell well. Everything that has my face on it sells well' – Louis van Gaal

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
20 novembre 2014
Nombre de pages

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Hugo Borst
Editeur principal
Vintage Digital


Premier traducteur
David Doherty

Options de lecture

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Android (smartphone et tablette) | Lecteur électronique Kobo | Ordinateur de bureau (Mac et Windows) | iOS (smartphone et tablette) | Windows (smartphone et tablette)

Autres spécifications

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