Phantastes Ebook Info-bulle


  • en
  • livre numérique
  • 9780795351891
  • 31 octobre 2018
  • Adobe ePub
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**The groundbreaking Victorian-era fantasy from the Scottish literary master. “**Without question one of the cornerstones of the genre.”—Black Gate

George MacDonald’s first major fiction work, in MacDonald’s words “a sort of fairy tale for grown people,” Phantastes was published in 1858. This unusual fantasy, subtitled a “faerie romance,” is one of MacDonald’s most mysterious and esoteric titles. The book’s narrator, Anodos, enters Fairy Land through a mysterious old wooden secretary. From that beginning, he embarks on a dream-like series of encounters that follow the form of an epic quest, though the purpose and destination of his journey remain obscure and are never fully clarified.

Sales of Phantastes proved a disappointment, until young atheist C.S. Lewis discovered it in 1916. Within a few hours he said he knew he “had crossed a great frontier.” MacDonald’s unusual fantasy set Lewis on the road toward his eventual conversion to Christianity, and forever after he referred to MacDonald as his “master.” In spite of its poor initial reception among Victorian readers, Lewis’s affection for it established Phantastes as one of MacDonald’s most enduring and studied works in literary and academic circles. This new edition is one of six fantasy titles in The Cullen Collection that has not been edited or updated in any way and is reproduced exactly in its original text.

“It can be exquisitely beautiful . . . from time to time I was caught by MacDonald’s enchantment, by his underlying concept that we can build a land of Faerie in our minds, and travel there.”—

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
31 octobre 2018
Format ebook
Adobe ePub

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
George Macdonald
Rédacteur en chef
Michael Phillips
Editeur principal

Options de lecture

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Android (smartphone et tablette) | Lecteur électronique Kobo | Ordinateur de bureau (Mac et Windows) | iOS (smartphone et tablette) | Windows (smartphone et tablette)

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