Strong Livre audio Info-bulle

  • en
  • Livre audio numérique
  • 9781788708913
  • 22 juin 2023
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A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to The Azaylia Foundation.

Strong is the moving and heartbreaking memoir from celebrity campaigner, endurance athlete, and father of an angel, Ashley Cain. Charting his daughter's birth and the fight for her life when she was diagnosed with leukaemia at 7 weeks old, Ashley reflects on his life and his own struggles since Azaylia's passing in 2021.

Ashley embodies strength and resilience - recently setting up The Azaylia Foundation and taking part in extreme physical challenges to raise crucial funds and awareness for children fighting cancer - so though Strong is a moving tribute to his daughter, it will also encompass the practical and positive mindset that Ashley now embodies, tying his emotional and physical grief into his extreme challenges, in order to provide inspiration and comfort to others struggling with loss and other mental health challenges.

Spécifications produit


Livre audio numérique
Date de sortie initiale
22 juin 2023

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Ashley Cain
Ashley Cain
Editeur principal
Blink Publishing

Autres spécifications

Livre d‘étude


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