Tan Tien Chi Kung Ebook Info-bulle Exercices fondamentaux pour la Force vide et la Power du périnée


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  • livre numérique
  • 9781594778414
  • 01 septembre 2004
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Description du produit

A fundamental Taoist practice for enhancing and utilizing chi

• Includes breathing and movement exercises to promote vitality and healing through the cultivation of chi in the tan tien and perineum areas

• Presents the foundational exercises that are essential for more advanced practices such as Iron Shirt Chi Kung and Cosmic Healing

Tan Tien Chi Kung is the art of cultivating and condensing chi in the lower abdomen--the tan tien--the fundamental power storehouse of the body. Known as the Ocean of Chi to the ancient Taoists, this lower abdominal area holds the key to opening the body and the mind for the free and continuous movement of chi. Tan Tien Chi Kung contains specific breathing and movement exercises that develop the power of the chi stored in the body to increase vitality, strengthen organs, and promote self-healing. Mantak Chia explains how these exercises also provide a safe and effective method for receiving earth energy, which allows the practitioner to achieve balance physically, mentally, and spiritually--all of which are essential for the more advanced practices of Iron Shirt Chi Kung and Cosmic Healing.

It is our mind that directs and guides our chi, but if the mind and body are out of balance or under stress, the mind cannot perform this function. The tan tien actually contains a large quantity of neurotransmitters, making it a key source of body intelligence. It is for this reason the Taoists also referred to Tan Tien Chi Kung as Second Brain Chi Kung and created exercises that would allow practitioners to gain awareness of the tan tien’s function to restore the mind-body balance that is essential for spiritual growth and optimal well-being.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
01 septembre 2004

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Mantak Chia
Editeur principal
Destiny Books

Options de lecture

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Android (smartphone et tablette) | Lecteur électronique Kobo | Ordinateur de bureau (Mac et Windows) | iOS (smartphone et tablette) | Windows (smartphone et tablette)

Autres spécifications

Livre d‘étude



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    Le livre est agréable et facile à lire avec des photos et des illustrations claires. Personnellement, je m'attendais à un peu plus d'informations sur le Tan Tien. Dans l'ensemble, un bon livre dont j'utilise maintenant moi-même 2 des nombreux exercices expliqués.

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