The Bright Side of Disaster Ebook Info-bulle Un roman


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  • livre numérique
  • 9780345502483
  • 26 juin 2007
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**Sometimes the worst thing that can happen is exactly what you've been waiting for.

"Novels as polished and mature as The Bright Side of Disaster just don't come along very often from first-time novelists or, for that matter, from those with much longer résumés. . . . This story of a youthful-but-optimistic single mom rings bittersweet and utterly authentic."—The Dallas Morning News**

Very pregnant and not quite married, Jenny Harris doesn't mind that she and her live-in fiancé, Dean, accidentally started their family a little earlier than planned. But Dean is acting distant, and the night he runs out for cigarettes and doesn't come back, he demotes himself from future husband to sperm donor. And the very next day, Jenny goes into labor.

In the months that follow, Jenny plunges into a life she never anticipated: single motherhood. At least with the sleep deprivation, sore boobs, and fits of crying (both hers and the baby's), there's not much time to dwell on her broken heart. And things are looking up: Jenny learns how to do everything one-handed, makes friends in a mommy group, and even gets to know a handsome, helpful neighbor. But Dean is never far from Jenny's thoughts or, it turns out, her doorstep, and in the end she must choose between the old life she thought she wanted and the new life she's been lucky to find.

Praise for The Bright Side of Disaster

"Beautifully penned and truly memorable . . . a heartwarming and deeply emotional debut."—BookPage

"The Bright Side of Disaster is a treat of a book. It is so warm, so smart, so touching, so wise–and, despite its poignancy, you read the whole thing with a laugh in your throat."—Anna Maxted, author of A Tale of Two Sisters

"A funny and poignant novel about love, motherhood and men . . . elevates the subject matter beyond the realm of "mommy lit.' "—Houston Chronicle

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
26 juin 2007

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Katherine Center
Editeur principal
Ballantine Books

Options de lecture

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Ordinateur de bureau (Mac et Windows) | Lecteur électronique Kobo | Android (smartphone et tablette) | iOS (smartphone et tablette) | Windows (smartphone et tablette)

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