The Dover Cafe at War Ebook Info-bulle Un récit réconfortant sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale (The Dover Cafe Series Book 1)


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  • livre numérique
  • 9781838771447
  • 02 juillet 2020
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'Brilliantly written and researched . . . I loved it.' Rosie Goodwin

The first book in a brand-new World War II saga series. Perfect for readers of Ellie Dean and Annie Groves and for fans of the Home Fires series.

Dover, 1939

At the heart of Market Square lies Castle's Café, run by the formidable Nellie Castle and her six children.

Since the scandalous birth of her son ten years ago, Marianne, Nellie's eldest daughter, has preferred to stay in the kitchen, hidden away from the scrutiny of the town gossips. Overcome with shame, she has never revealed the identity of Donny's father - not even to her own mother.

But with World War II just around the corner, soon Marianne's past catches up with her. And suddenly the lives of the Castle family become a lot more complicated.

Will the secrets from her past destroy their future?

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Readers love The Dover Café at War:

'A brilliant evocation of a family and community pulling together in wartime. Full of drama, laughter, and nail biting cliff hangers. A triumph!' Annie Clarke, author of The Factory Girls series

'Well-researched and expertly written . . . Perfect for those days when all you want is a book to lose yourself in.' Fiona Ford, author of The Liberty Girls

'What a brilliant book . . . can't wait to read the next one.' Netgalley reviewer

'This book is such a joy to read.' Netgalley reviewer

'This was a wonderful read. Looking forward to the next in the series.' Netgalley reviewer

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
02 juillet 2020

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Ginny Bell
Editeur principal

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