The Marlow Murder Club Mysteries 3 - The Queen of Poisons (The Marlow Murder Club Mysteries, Book 3) Ebook Info-bulle


  • en
  • livre numérique
  • 9780008567323
  • 18 janvier 2024
  • Adobe ePub
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Judith, Suzie, and Becks, AKA The Marlow Murder Club, are on the hunt for a killer . . .

‘I love Robert Thorogood’s writing’ Peter James

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Geoffrey Lushington, Mayor of Marlow, dies suddenly during a Town Council meeting. When traces of aconite – also known as the queen of poisons – are found in his coffee cup, the police realise he was murdered. But who did it? And why?

The police bring Judith, Suzie and Becks in to investigate as Civilian Advisors right from the start, so they have free rein to interview suspects and follow the evidence to their heart’s content, which is perfect because Judith has no time for rules and standard procedure. But this case has the Marlow Murder Club stumped. Who would want to kill the affable Mayor of Marlow? How did they even get the poison into his coffee? And is anyone else in danger? The Marlow Murder Club are about to face their most difficult case yet . . .

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Praise for The Marlow Murder Club Mysteries:

‘Cosy crime at its best’
Crime Monthly

‘Cleverly plotted and laugh-out-loud funny’
Yours magazine

‘The perfect cosy crime to curl up with’

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
18 janvier 2024
Format ebook
Adobe ePub

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Robert Thorogood
Editeur principal

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