The Modern Cheeseboard Ebook Info-bulle Associez-vous au plateau de pâturage parfait


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  • livre numérique
  • 9780711274433
  • 19 juillet 2022
  • Adobe ePub
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This sumptuous guide gives you everything you need to put together the perfect cheeseboard for any occasion, with 40 beautiful delicious ideas to suit all tastes.

Morgan McGlynn, resident cheese expert from Channel 4's Sunday Brunch, brings you this complete guide, filled with beautiful recipes to wow guests and delight the palate.

A how-to guide that breaks the cheeseboard down into its components— cheese, meat, accompaniments, garnish. - allowing you to create stunning spreads for any occasion.

Ideas include:

  • Cosy Night In Board - Shelter in on cold winter evenings with a warming fondue for two as a centre piece, the ideal sharing board for the one you love with wine parings for each cheese.
  • Brunch Board: Make the most important meal of the day a little more special with this mouthwatering selection of cheeses and accompaniments.
  • Perfect Summer Picnic: This light and fresh selection is the ideal cheeseboard for the summer, and can be packed up and taken on walks, trips or days out.
  • Ultimate Game Day Board: Add some flavour to complement the big match with stuffed mini peppers, spicy guacamole and homemade blue cheese and chive sauce.

Most importantly, this book will teach you how to pair cheeses perfectly, from classic pairings to the unexpected. In addition to the easy-to-follow instructions and gorgeous inspiration, The Modern Cheeseboard also pairs drinks to match the boards, along with recipes for your own chutneys and jams.

With boards ranging from the everyday to the showstopper, alongside ideas for key occasions throughout the year and inspiration from around the World, this book is guaranteed to wow guests and have mouths watering.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
19 juillet 2022
Format ebook
Adobe ePub

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Morgan Mcglynn
Editeur principal
White Lion Publishing

Options de lecture

Lisez cet ebook sur
Ordinateur de bureau (Mac et Windows) | Lecteur électronique Kobo | Android (smartphone et tablette) | iOS (smartphone et tablette) | Windows (smartphone et tablette)

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