The Road to Narromine Une aventure de la Life : dans les Air, sur la route et derrière une caméra

  • en
  • Broché
  • 9781481070454
  • 03 mai 2013
  • 398 pages
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‘I never saw the wires.’ Those opening words introduce a potentially-deadly sailplane crash, from which, by a twist of fate, the author escapes unharmed. From that near-death experience to the poignant final farewell scene, Jim Richards’ first-person story, with its audacious choices, unswerving determination, and joy in the doing is a page-turner.With vivid descriptions, optimism and wry humor the author traces his lifelong fascination with aircraft, taking the reader behind the scenes in radio, advertising and on high-action commercial film shoots involving refueling tankers, jet fighters, helicopters, Concorde and, of course, sailplanes. For the author, learning to fly sailplanes at Narromine, New South Wales, was at first befuddling, then a challenge, finally an exultation. With an unrivaled eye for detail, he takes us into the cockpit with him; we are there at the controls, rising like a bird, flying great distances at speed, powered only by the sun. Richly textured with anecdotes, memorable characters and pulse-quickening action, The Road To Narromine will lift your spirits, re-awaken belief in a glass half full and change forever the way you view a summer sky.“Loved the descriptions of flying and the sheer joy of it comes through beautifully. Jim Richards makes me want to get up there in the thermals with him.” Carl Hoffman—best-selling author of The Lunatic Express and Hunting Warbirds“The Road To Narromine is a love story—a story about a love of flying, told with infectious enthusiasm, in brilliant, evocative prose. This is a book that delights, surprises and enchants the reader with its subject’s flame for life.” Clinton Smith—award-winning author of The God Game, The Fourth Eye, Exit Alpha, Deep Six and Project Thunder“ . . . truly captures the beauty and mystery of silent flight. Full of inside details, vast panoramas and human interest . . . about much more than just the flying. I want to drive that road!” Tony Koester—author, columnist, editor, sailplane pilot, flying instructor.

Spécifications produit


Date de sortie initiale
03 mai 2013
Nombre de pages

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Jim Richards

Autres spécifications

Hauteur de l'emballage
21 mm
Hauteur du produit
21 mm
Largeur d'emballage
152 mm
Largeur du produit
152 mm
Longueur d'emballage
229 mm
Longueur du produit
229 mm
Poids de l'emballage
531 g
Police de caractères extra large



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