52 Ways to Live the Course in Miracles Ebook Info-bulle Cultiver un Simpler, plus lents, plus d' amour-Rempli Life (Affirmations, Méditations, Spiritualité, Sobriété)


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  • livre numérique
  • 9781642504606
  • 10 août 2021
  • Adobe ePub
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Cultivate Inner Peace Through Positive Affirmations and Spiritual Meditation

“52 Ways to Live the Course in Miracles is a compact rendition of how to live with love and forgiveness at the center of our lives." ─Allyson Gracie, Retailing Insight

#1 Best Seller in Spiritualism

Find the path to inner peace through a weekly guide of spiritual meditations and positive affirmations.

Use Karen Casey’s 52 positive affirmations and meditations to find inner peace. We all face struggles that can leave us feeling broken and hopeless. But peace and healing are always available to us if we are open to them. Karen Casey is a beloved author who has helped millions onto the road to recovery with her inspirational self-help and meditation writings. In this inspirational book, Karen takes readers on a journey towards peaceful living by sharing how she has found serenity in her own life. Karen teaches readers that the goal is not perfection, but rather progress towards creating a life of love and peace.

Cultivate a simpler, slower, more love-filled life. When Karen Casey was struggling with addiction, she found life-changing inspiration in Helen Schucman’s book, A Course in Miracles. In 52 Ways to Live the Course in Miracles, she shares the ideas she discovered in Helen Schucman's book and the spirituality that we can all bring to our own lives.

Find inside:

  • Meditations and affirmations that lead to a simpler, slower life
  • Insights into Helen Schucman’s A Course in Miracles
  • Stories of the author’s own struggles and triumphs on her path to healing

If you enjoyed reading other books like Practicing Mindfulness, The Untethered Soul Guided Journal, or A Year of Mindfulness, then you’ll love 52 Ways to Live the Course in Miracles.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
10 août 2021
Format ebook
Adobe ePub

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Karen Casey
Editeur principal
Conari Press

Options de lecture

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Android (smartphone et tablette) | Lecteur électronique Kobo | Ordinateur de bureau (Mac et Windows) | iOS (smartphone et tablette) | Windows (smartphone et tablette)

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