How to Heal a Gryphon Ebook Info-bulle

  • en
  • livre numérique
  • 9780369720047
  • 04 octobre 2022
  • Adobe ePub
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“A funny, fantastical mystery. . . Perfect for fans of Rick Riordan.” —Laura Ruby, Two-Time National Book Award Finalist and author of the YORK Trilogy

“I could live with these characters and in this world for a good long while. Bring on the sequel!" —New York Times bestselling author Julie Murphy

To save her family, she’ll have to make a dangerous bargain and tip the scales of balance.

With her thirteenth birthday just around the corner, Giada Bellantuono has to make a big decision: Will she join the family business and become a healer or follow her dreams? But even though she knows her calling is to heal vulnerable animals, using her powers to treat magical creatures is decidedly not allowed.

When a group of witches kidnaps her beloved older brother, Rocco, and her parents are away, Giada is the only person left who can rescue him. Swept into the magical underground city of Malafi, Giada will need the help of her new companions to save her brother—or risk losing him forever.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
04 octobre 2022
Format ebook
Adobe ePub

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Meg Cannistra
Editeur principal
Inkyard Press

Options de lecture

Lisez cet ebook sur
Ordinateur de bureau (Mac et Windows) | Lecteur électronique Kobo | Android (smartphone et tablette) | iOS (smartphone et tablette) | Windows (smartphone et tablette)

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