Illuminated: Autism & All The Things I’ve left Unsaid Livre audio Info-bulle

  • en
  • Livre audio numérique
  • 9780008591496
  • 22 juin 2023
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You have to find your light – and let it shine…

Melanie Sykes has lived most of her life in the public eye. But after a lifetime of being seen – as model, chat show host and broadcaster, Melanie walked away from that career to spend her time helping others be heard, as a campaigner for women’s rights and an advocate for neurodiversity.

Then, at 52, Melanie got her own diagnosis of autism and it flicked a switch in her own life. It cast a new light on her own journey – from her Lancashire childhood, growing up in a musical mixed-race family, to her modelling career and ringside seat on celebrity culture as she became a star of TV and radio. But it also illuminated the other side of her story – her struggle to be heard, her heartbreaks and challenges, her self-medicating and trauma.

Finally unmasking has given Melanie the courage to tell her story in her own words for the first time – as a woman in the media, as a mother of autistic children, as a neurodivergent person speaking up in a neurotypical world. It is a story not just of breakdown, but of breakthrough. A celebration of embracing yourself, and finding joy, power and freedom in being who you really are.

Spécifications produit


Livre audio numérique
Date de sortie initiale
22 juin 2023

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Melanie Sykes
Editeur principal

Autres spécifications

Livre d‘étude


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