Living Systems Information Therapy LSIT Ebook Info-bulle Introduction à la médecine Quantum

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  • livre numérique
  • 9783748179504
  • 24 octobre 2019
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LSIT is based on the scientific foundation of quantum physics. This deals with holistic structures and their interactions. The high dynamics of life is achieved by constantly changing relationships and opportunities, combined with a high gain of experience. This improves the adaptability and the chances of survival. Everything is subject to a higher meaning communicated to us about spiritual needs. We are spirit-driven beings who inhabit a body subject to electrodynamic laws. Each action requires information and energy, which we call up about our intentions. Diseases can be treated with medication. These transmit certain healing information. The LSIT uses this information directly, without need of pills. That's what makes them so efficient. It is capable of initiating healing processes even in advanced diseases. The author, Dr Bodo Koehler, MD, born in 1948, has more than 45 years of experience in the clinic and his own practice as an internist with extensive additional training. Since 1980 he has been one of the pioneers of bioenergetic measurement and therapy procedures. A lot of his developments are now standard in many practices. The author is a lecturer at home and abroad.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
24 octobre 2019

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Auteur principal
Bodo Köhler
Editeur principal
Books On Demand

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