Bothy: A New Memoir About Adventures in the Wilderness in Search of Simple Shelter Livre audio Info-bulle

  • en
  • Livre audio numérique
  • 9780008619053
  • 09 mai 2024
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‘The bothy embrace is addictive’ ADAM NICOLSON

'Will have you reaching for your boots’ CAL FLYN

The door to the bothy is always unlocked, you just need to step inside.

You will find them in the mountains. You will find them in the wilderness. A bothy is a remote hut you can’t reserve, with no electricity, mod-cons or running water. And it’s here you’ll find Kat Hill – kettle on, feet up and pen out.

Leading us on a gorgeous and erudite journey around the UK, Kat reveals the history of these wild mountain shelters and the people who visit them. With a historian’s insight and a rambler’s imagination, she lends fresh consideration to the concepts of nature, wilderness and escape. All the while, Kat weaves together her story of heartbreak and new purpose with those of her fellow wanderers, past and present.

Writing with warmth, wit and infectious wanderlust, Kat moves from a hut in an active military training area in the far-north of Scotland to a fairy-tale cottage in Wales. Along her travels, she explores the conflict between our desire to preserve isolated beauty and the urge to share it with others – embodied by the humble bothy.

Bothy is a stirring, beautiful book for anyone who longs to run away to the wilds.

In her book Bothy, Kat Hill combines her love for hiking with her passion for environmental conservation. This non-fiction autobiography is a must-read for anyone interested in regional habitats and ecosystems.

HarperCollins 2024

Spécifications produit


Livre audio numérique
Date de sortie initiale
09 mai 2024

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Kat Hill
Editeur principal
William Collins

Autres spécifications

Livre d‘étude


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