Atlas of Empires Ebook Info-bulle Les grandes puissances du monde de l'Antiquité à Today


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  • livre numérique
  • 9781620082881
  • 06 février 2018
  • Adobe ePub
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Atlas of Empires tells the story of how and why the great empires of history came into being, operated and ultimately declined, and discusses the future of the empire in today's globalized world. Featuring 60 beautiful and detailed maps of the empires' territories at different stages of their existence and organized thematically to reflect the different driving forces behind empires throughout history (such as faith, nomadic culture, nationhood and capitalism), each section discusses the rise and fall of the empires that existed in a region: their government and society, wealth and technology, war and military force, and religious beliefs. From the earliest empires of the Sumerians and the Pharaohs to the modern empires of the USSR and the European Union, this is a story that reveals how empires are created and organized, how later empires resolve the problems of governance faced by earlier empires, and how the political and cultural legacies of ancient empires are still felt today.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
06 février 2018
Format ebook
Adobe ePub

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Auteur principal
Davidson Peter
Editeur principal
Companionhouse Books

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