Chakra Frequencies Ebook Info-bulle Tantra du son


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  • livre numérique
  • 9781594779497
  • 24 mai 2011
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Using the science of sound healing for higher consciousness, stronger relationships, planetary oneness, and physical and emotional healing

• Offers exercises with breath, tone, sacred vowel sounds, and the chanted Bija Mantras to activate and balance the chakras for greater health and harmony

• Shows how to practice sound healing individually or with a partner to enhance communication, reduce stress, and create inner balance and peace

• Previous edition won the Best Book in Alternative Health Award from the Coalition of Visionary Resources

As both ancient spiritual masters and modern quantum physicists acknowledge, the universe is vibration. Through sound and its ability to communicate with our chakras and subtle body, we can tap into the vibration of the universe for greater harmony and stronger relationships; physical, emotional, and spiritual healing; expanded consciousness; and planetary oneness.

In this step-by-step guide, sound healing pioneer Jonathan Goldman and his wife, holistic psychotherapist Andi Goldman, reveal specific ways the voice can resonate the physical and subtle bodies, including 7 powerful chanted Bija Mantras and sacred vowel sounds to balance and align the chakras. Providing exercises with breath, tone, mantras, and seed sounds, the authors show how to practice sound healing either individually or with a partner to strengthen relationships, reach deeper emotional levels, enhance communication, reduce stress, achieve inner balance, and create harmony with those around you as well as the whole planet.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
24 mai 2011

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Jonathan Goldman
Deuxième auteur
Andi Goldman
Editeur principal
Destiny Books

Options de lecture

Lisez cet ebook sur
Ordinateur de bureau (Mac et Windows) | Lecteur électronique Kobo | Android (smartphone et tablette) | iOS (smartphone et tablette) | Windows (smartphone et tablette)

Autres spécifications

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