Love, Family & Parenting


My Experience
"I laid hands on the content of this book when my marriage of over a decade was falling apart. All emotional connection was broken and I was ready to walk away. In less than 4 hours of digesting the truths contained in this book, it felt like a scale literally fell off my eyes. I saw myself, my husband and our marriage in the light of the word of God as explained in this book. I wept, repented before God and re-united with my husband and our marriage was like heaven on earth again."

An unusual and uncommon message
"In my 47 years of marriage, I have never heard this dimension of spiritual understanding about marriage and family life. This can only be by divine spiritual insight and revelation from God. A lot of things now make sense to my wife and I. This is deep ! As a child of God, a husband, a father, a pastor, and a marriage counsellor, I recommend this book as a precious jewel to everyone single or married."

"This is an expository work, a mirror, an irresistible master piece that provides deep insight I have never heard anyone teach about. I was deeply touched by the depth of truth contained herein. This is deeply probing, expository, confronting, restoring, and divinely soothing. The connection and connected bible references are apt for this expository writing."

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Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Temitope Agbana



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