New Perspectives on Desistance Ebook Info-bulle Développements théoriques et empiriques

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  • livre numérique
  • 9781349951857
  • 14 juin 2017
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This book brings together a collection of emergent research that moves the debate on desistance beyond a general consideration of individual and social structural influences. The authors examine empirical developments which have implications for policy surrounding resettlement and re-offending, but also for punishment practices. Presenting thought-provoking theoretical advances and critiques, the editors challenge and enrich traditional understandings of desistance. A wide range of chapters explore how some criminal justice interventions hinder the desistance process, but also how alternative approaches may be more helpful in promoting and supporting desistance. Thorough and diverse, this book will be of great interest to scholars of criminology and criminal justice, social policy, sociology and psychology, and of special interest to researchers and practitioners working with (ex-)offenders.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
14 juin 2017

Personnes impliquées

Rédacteur en chef
Esther F.J.C. van Ginneken
Deuxième rédacteur
Emily Luise Hart
Editeur principal
Palgrave Macmillan

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