Contaminations and Ethnographic Fictions Traversées du sud

  • en
  • Couverture rigide
  • 9783030349240
  • 07 janvier 2020
  • 220 pages
Toutes les spécifications de l'article


In an unusual merging of academic and literary practices, this volume attempts to identify a form (or forms) that is congenial with the subject of interrogation: the world in transition, with South Africa as the main focal point. Approaching anthropology from the position of the literary writer, Oscar Hemer here takes the reader through a kaleidoscope of perspectives-a stream-of-consciousness understanding of writing the city of Johannesburg, embedding ethnography in subjectivity; a challenge to binaries both temporal and gendered in examining the growth of the IT metropolis Bangalore to a combusting mega-city; an auto-ethnographic interweaving of fictional reportage with a close-reading of anthropological and philosophical treatises, including Mary Douglas's Purity and Danger and Edouard Glissant's Poetics of Relation, among others-to interrogate themes of transition, identity, purity and variation in the Western Cape. As the form transcends boundaries to create a methodological hybrid, creolization comes to the fore as a theoretical concept and as cultural practice.

Spécifications produit


Couverture rigide
Date de sortie initiale
07 janvier 2020
Nombre de pages

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Oscar Hemer
Editeur principal
Springer Nature Switzerland AG

Autres spécifications

Hauteur de l'emballage
210 mm
Largeur d'emballage
148 mm
Largeur du produit
148 mm
Livre d‘étude
Longueur d'emballage
210 mm
Longueur du produit
210 mm
Poids de l'emballage
542 g
Police de caractères extra large


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