Fierce Radiance Ebook Info-bulle


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  • livre numérique
  • 1230004585954
  • 26 février 2021
  • Epub zonder kopieerbeveiliging (DRM)
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They called her the Ice Queen...

Tragedy defined starship captain Aine Lorcan's early life. Orphaned twice, as a result she buries herself in her work and earns her "Ice Queen" nickname. Fiercely driven and independent, the only thing to outshine that is her brilliant intellect. When she's seriously injured crash-landing on a deserted planet during a raider attack, it's annoyingly handsome and self-assured Act'huran commander Sammuel Jorvis who rescues her.

Sammuel and his partner, Ker, have searched to find the perfect third to complete them. At first, Aine tries to fight the attraction she feels for the smug commander before giving in to his sinfully hot brand of persuasion. When she meets Ker, it cements her growing love for the men and her feeling of belonging. But it also means leaving behind the Confederation and the only life she's known.

When duty calls and the Confederation attempts to coax Aine back with her dream command, she wages a war of conscience. Stay with the men she's come to love and forever abandon the commission she's made her life's work, or fulfill the legacy her two fathers died to help her achieve? With lives and hearts on the line, will Aine's love burn out, or can she live up to her reputation of a Fierce Radiance?

Space Confederation book 1. This MMF sci-fi/ space opera romance features power exchange dynamics, hot alien Alpha men who know what they want, a strong, driven human woman who drives them crazy, and a guaranteed HEA! This book was originally published writing under my Tymber Dalton pen name. It has been revised and expanded for re-release.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
26 février 2021
Format ebook
Epub zonder kopieerbeveiliging (DRM)

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Lesli Richardson
Deuxième auteur
Tymber Dalton
Editeur principal
Lesli Richardson

Options de lecture

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