Stranger Within - Part 1 (The Blood War Saga) Ebook Info-bulle

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  • livre numérique
  • 9781301916658
  • 26 juin 2013
  • Epub sans protection contre la copie (DRM)
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One hundred years in the future and Earth is a very different place. A war has been raging for a century between the vampires and the mages, and it has devastated the planet. Humans are nearly extinct, plants and animals have all but disappeared, and life is harsh for the survivors of this war-torn universe.

Kierie is a young mage (or so she believes) living a sheltered life this world that has been torn apart by the 100 year war between her kind and vampires. She knows she is different than the rest of the mages but doesn't exactly know why. She feels almost as if there is a beast inside her trying to get out sometimes, but she doesn't know how to let it. The amulet around her neck, rumored to have belonged to her mother, tells her that she is, indeed different. She cannot remove it, no matter how hard she tries, as it is bound to her by magic. And when she asks about it, she's simply told it's for her own good.

However, life for Kierie is about to change. When she's caught in an attack on the mages and is injured, she gets taken to a place she doesn't recognize. And she is about to find out for herself that the person she has always assumed she was is not who she actually is. There is a stranger living within, and she's about to come face to face with an unexpected truth.

*The Blood War Saga is a short story series told from the point of view of multiple characters as they live their lives in a shattered, war-torn world.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
26 juin 2013
Format ebook
Epub sans protection contre la copie (DRM)

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Alyxandra Rose
Editeur principal
Smashwords Edition

Options de lecture

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