Being, Time, Bios Ebook Info-bulle Capitalisme et ontologie


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  • livre numérique
  • 9781438445915
  • 11 mars 2013
  • Adobe ePub
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A psychoanalytic theory of biopolitics.

Although both share a focus on human life as it is inscribed by power, Foucauldian biopolitics and Lacanian psychoanalysis have remained isolated from and even opposed to one another. In Being, Time, Bios, A. Kiarina Kordela aims to overcome this divide, formulating a historical ontology that draws from Spinoza, Marx, Heidegger, and Sartre to theorize the changed character of “being” and “time” under secular capitalism. With insights from film theory, postcolonial studies, and race theory, Kordela’s wide-ranging analysis suggests a radically new understanding of contemporary capitalism—one in which uncertainty, sacrifice, immortality, and the gaze are central.

A. Kiarina Kordela is Professor of German and Director of the Critical Theory Program at Macalester College and currently holds an honorary position with the Writing and Society Research Group, University of Western Sydney, Australia. She is the author of Surplus: Spinoza, Lacan (also published by SUNY Press), and the coeditor (with Dimitris Vardoulakis) of Freedom and Confinement in Modernity: Kafka’s Cages.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
11 mars 2013
Format ebook
Adobe ePub

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
A. Kiarina Kordela
Deuxième auteur
A. Kordela
Editeur principal
SUNY Press

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