Tea? Coffee? Murder! - A Cosy Crime Series 1 - Tea? Coffee? Murder! - The Art of Lying Ebook Info-bulle Un mystère de la Feather noire


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  • livre numérique
  • 9783751741903
  • 01 mai 2023
  • Adobe ePub
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There are only two possibilities: either lovely old Miss Beresford from Earlsraven is suffering from dementia or there’s something fishy going on at her house! But what has Nathalie got to do with it? The young woman has just moved from Liverpool to tranquil Earlsraven to take up her aunt’s legacy: the Black Feather pub. But when Miss Beresford discovers a dead body in her garden, Nathalie and her cook Louise begin to investigate.

About the series: There was nothing in the will about this...Cottages, English roses and rolling hills: that’s Earlsraven. In the middle of it all: the "Black Feather”. Not only does young Nathalie Ames unexpectedly inherit this cosy inn from her aunt, she also falls heir to her aunt’s secret double life! She solved criminal cases together with her cook Louise, a former agent of the British Crown. And while Nathalie is still trying to warm up to the quirky villagers, she discovers that sleuthing runs in the family.

Ellen Barksdale was born in the English seaside resort of Brighton, where her parents ran a small boarding house. From childhood she was a bookworm, and from a young age was interested in crime novels. Her first experience of crime fiction was with the Maigret novels by Georges Simenon. After years of reading crime fiction, she recently decided to take up writing herself. "Tea? Coffee? Murder!” is her first mystery series. The author lives near Swansea with her partner Ian and their three mongrels Billy, Bobby and Libby.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
01 mai 2023
Format ebook
Adobe ePub

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Ellen Barksdale
Editeur principal
Bastei Entertainment

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