The Five Pillars of Transformation Ebook Info-bulle


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this book specially written for the dharmamind group covers five vital principles that need to be addressed by those dharma practitioners interested in practicing the immanent model - often referred to as the ''practice of no practice'' - of chan or zen of mahayana buddhism. the principles are: familiarity with meditation, taming restlessness, living in the body, containing the emotions and recognising your true nature. these five principles for training are teachings from recordings made during a retreat in scotland, and convey the importance of becoming aware of habitual attachments to the self and ego, and the need to let them go so as to awaken to our own innate true nature, and realise the joy and freedom from suffering.

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
12 août 2012
Format ebook
Epub sans protection contre la copie (DRM)

Personnes impliquées

Auteur principal
Aloka David Smith
Editeur principal
Smashwords Edition

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